Freedom, Day 6

An exciting day!! I got a call quite early this morning when I was waiting for the GP to call me from the dealership to tell me that my cat was ready for me to pick up! So a quick COV done with Hastings and I dragged Mikey off at 1.30 to collect it....driving home was easier than I expected, although I did keep trying to move the gear stick! But I was wonderfully amazed by how smooth the drive was. I test drove an automatic several years ago and hated it; the car seemed to jerk whenever it changed gear, this I only noticed when the gear number changed on the screen! The biggest issue was working out how to move the gear stick! Once I'm used to it I need to test what the sport mode is like!! Mikey and I got it started with no problems, and once I worked out how to move it into D from N driving was lovely! Even with the sniff monster sniffing loudly from the back!

I'm currently watching a documentary about Covid, Andy came home to find me crying . I know it is silly, but I still feel guilty that, amazingly, I have not lost anyone I love to this disease. But having watched this I am amazed that everyone has got through this so far. I am also only too aware that this danger has not ended and could get worse again. Plus even the medical experts said they were guessing and could not predict  what effect the virus could have in the long term, on any part of the human body. So many patients have ended up on dialysis I don't want to test it. My heart and kidneys are already a mess and my immune system will not cope/deal with anything more.

Andy has a week off next week, hopefully we are having a trip to Wingham Wildlife Park. I have mentioned it to Mikey who is more than up for it! My plan is to take loads of photos and build up some new memories for the 3 of us as a family. Most of my memories from this year are based around hospitals and I need to change this! The last thing I want for Mikey is his memories to be of me in a hospital ward. I want us to have fun together, do daft things and just have fun, laughing together, eating ice cream etc And I am going to make sure there are lots of photos to look back on!! I might even appear in some of them for once!


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