Lockdown 3; Day 6

Last night was marginally better than the night before...at least I stayed in bed!! Sleep itself was still decidedly broken and when I tried to get up my legs did not appear to be in agreement and the first attempt resulted in a bit of a collapse. Hopefully no new bruises that I will have to explain away tomorrow.

Mikey was also not in a sleeping mood and appears to have snuck down to collect his phone and headphones. Unfortunately the headphones only stop Mum and Dad from hearing whatever he is watching and are not able to stiffle his giggles! As a result we have only just done his maths - but he does seem to have got the hang of it so long as we can get him engaged and focussed. I have printed off some spelling 'games' and puzzles for Mikey and Dad to work on tomorrow whilst I am in hospital - at least we won't all be wasting the afternoon that way! Although I am half expecting to get a call cancelling it!

Our genius is now upstairs creating quite a racket and stomping along the lines of a herd of elephant. Quite how one child can make so much noise is beyond me! And if I am honest I would love to stop all the shooting noises as they annoy me intensely and I'm pretty sure they are banned under the covid laws due to the amount of spray they produce.

Lunch was actually eaten happily today, scrambled eggs are easy to digest so I'm hoping they will at least stay put! I just need to come up with ideas for lunch that I actually want to eat...and do not take much preparation as cooking is really not something I want to do at the moment.

I told the school that we are not around tomorrow thanks to my procedure so I got a call this afternoon checking up on me and how Mikey is doing. Hopefully I was suitably positive 😀 At least they agreed that if I'm not interested in the subject, trying to sell it to Mikey is impossible! So drawing fossils is not going to happen and I really don't feel it is anything important that he is missing out on!

What is even more amazing is that Mikey has nearly filled his book - compared to Lockdown 1 this is amazing and totally unknown! But apparently we can nip in to the school reception and pick another one up for him!


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