Lockdown Day 55 or 254,699 !!

Finally got to sleep last night, but it was not at all relaxing ore refreshing, Mixed in with my normal bouts of insomnia I am really getting fet up with not ever having any energy or feeling refreshed when I get up. With my thinking while asleep i have come up with a new theory (letting me think is always a bad Idea...) Before I got married my Dad was ill, his main symptom was complete exhaustion and one hell of a bad mood, sore throat and feeling basically awful all the time. This went on for a very long time and after a whole host of tests that came back clear and negative it was decided he had ME (or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) My Nephrologist has already suggested I also have this and having done a little research this morning I am starting to agree. My fatigue is worsening whilst my anaemia results have improved so I should have more energy rather than less. I also have had horrific headaches for the last few weeks, a sore throat and every joint aches. My sleep pattern has been constantly horrific (except for the night after I had ny Colonoscopy where I slept like a log - but still woke up feeling exhausted)

I have also read that diagnosis is hard as there is no test for this (Many Drs are not sure it really exists)  Plus at the moment getting an appointment with my GP is impossible!! I also know that the tests they will do will show up my Kidney issues and my diabetes and my GPs usually give up once they get an explanation! Even if I explain I think this has been going on since before I was diagnoses with either problem...It would also explain my dizzyness as that is another symptom and I am pretty sure I have not had vertigo for 2 years as the Cardiologist I saw believes. It would explain so much if I can get a GP to agree with me.

Mikey and I managed to get another 2 lots of his maths done last night and achieved 100% on both! Proud Mum time again, but we sill have some more to do this week and I am very aware that his spellings have not been looked at once! 

Today for Mikey started with a disaster,,,he has lost a tooth, a big one for once! As in not a front tooth!! From the noise I thought he had been murdered and it took a massive Mum hau to calm him down and stop the panic. So all I need to hope now is that the Tooth Fairy is still working and has suitable PPE to not break my isolation!!!

Not sure what todays photo will be, I'm just using photos that bring me happy memories...This one was Mikey's first full day before he was moved to SCUBU. He was such a quiet, peaceful baby at this point and I was getting angry at Drs who dared to suggest my perfect baby had anything wrong... but he failed his hearing test as he pretty much slept through it and shortly after he was whizzed off (with Andy I think) and came back with a cannula fitted and shortly after was moved into ITU (NICU I think) for extra care and I was moved into a private room so I wasn't surrounded by Mums and babies. My trainee Midwife was fantastic and looked after me so well...)


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