Lockdown, Day 86

Another rather mixed up day. I manged to wake up with a nasty sense of impending doom. I can't be any more precise than that...so I refused to get up! But Mikey was yelling at high volume into his headset so I dragged (literally) myself out of bed to try and quieten him down as I could hear Andy muttering downstairs. He didn't venture up to sort the noise, but I coped and did get him to be quieter for a few nano seconds at least!

Once down stairs I hit the paracetamol which really did nothing, but my shoulders and elbows are still complaining - but not too badly so I'm still taking the tablets in the hope my body may decide to play ball and stop trying to hurt me... I have even managed a little diamond painting today but has now ceased as I really am not in the mood to push my luck right now!

A massive positive is that Mikey and I managed to get up to date on his mathletics and easily his to 80% target, so all done for now with only 1 melt down, so I'm taking that as a win!

While Andy was out picking up some papers from his brother I had a call from the National Shielding Team. A wonderfully friendly northern Girl whose accent made me feel really comfortable! Always a plus! She wanted to check how I was and how I was coping, especially as I had stopped the Boris Boxes! I assured her that we had a shopping spot supplied by the supermarket we wanted and didn't need the boxes - especially as most of the contents were not items I could eat! She was very easy to talk to and we soon moved on to makeup and favourite foods etc! It was a wonderful feeling to know that someone was bothered about how I am feeling as a fellow human being - especially with all the protests and hordes of visitors to beaches etc and how that makes the people who are trying to follow the rules actually feel. After a 20 minute chat she went off to do some work (she is currently furloughed and is doing this to make a little extra income - they should keep her as she is fantastic at this!!) I was left feeling much happier than I have since before lockdown started, I feel bad that I can't remember her name; I just know that she is in Sheffield!

Even with that boost I really feel ready to just curl up and sob. I wish I knew why I am so emotional but it is wearing me out even more than my usual fatigue. A friend has jsut said that her Mum is taking her to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for a couple of days at the end of July to try to get her out and about. I am very envious that someone has arranged something like that just to help her ease back into life - it must be so wonderful to feel so loved and valued...

Mikey is still very up and down, although we had a long chat last night about alot of the current issues surrounding BLM, for once he hasn't decided that the way to solve it is a gun fight! In fact he was very mature and I had a proud Mum moment as the level of his maturity. He can listen and understand much more than we give him credit for. Now all we have ot do it teach him how to express it in a sensible manner!

This was in a coffee shop in Geurnsey in 2008 on our round UK Cruise, I tried to collect a bar with my Gache...but is was safely locked away.


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