Lockdown, Day 90

Definitely thinking backwards today!! 10 years ago Andy had to take me to Hospital for monitoring as I couldn't feel the baby moving and a friend in Scotland (who was also pregnant) told me to get checked! I spent all of the Friday afternoon on a monitor and having blood samples taken. The original plan was for me to go in on Sunday for my induction so I was sent home as they were happy my bump was doing OK and there was nothing to worry about! That was my first experience that I remember of how tired hospital tests make me so I was not in a cooking mood! Dinner ended up being KFC and a tub of Ben & Jerries as I had decided that the bump couldn't put that much weight on in 2 days! 

Just as I curled up with my tub the hospital called me and told me to go back the following morning as my blood tests had shown a problem. She did tell me what it was but I honestly can't recall what she said! The plan at that point was to do my induction as soon I arrived, so as I thought I would be having my baby by lunchtime on Saturday I wasn't worried! I think I started packing my hospital bag at that point, before that I had only packed the baby bag! How little I knew!!

We really were not ready for what was coming, when we had looked around the unit they had mentioned a special care unit; but we were not shown that as we were told we really wouldn't need it! I just laughed and agreed - but I was to learn how wonderful their care was for both the baby and his Mum.

Prior to Mikey's arrival we had done the NCT course which, if I'm honest, had lulled me into a totally false sense of security!! We had discussed the pain relief we could ask for, how all Dads look like George Clooney in Scrubs, and that when you try to breast feed all babies lie in the right position and know what to do... I soon found none of that was accurate or true!! The main thing it did for me was show that we were not alone and nobody else in the group knew what they were letting themselves in for! That really did help!

Technically Mikey was not actually due until July 4th. I had refused to accept this all the way through my pregnancy! I was being selfish and did not want to share my birthday with ANYONE, even my child! But for once my diabetes was helpful and it was decided he would be delivered at 36 weeks whatever my body decided as it was safer for both of us as there was less risk of him getting too big! (I beg to differ on that point...I am very aware just how big his head was! The space it went through was not as big...

This was a 1 month old Mikey trying to have a nap whilst being attacked by a monster pig!! Luckily he hadn't worked out how to roll as the sofa wasn't exactly wide!! He did eventually stop trying to beat the pig and went to sleep! We got a travel cot soon after....! It made trips to see Nanny and Grandad much safer! He never managed to escape from it 😀


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