Lockdown, Day 91

Getting Mikey to sleep last night was a minor nightmare! I think he eventually fell asleep just before 3am! But he seems to be coping fine so far today; maybe he will actually sleep tonight!!

He struggled up at 9ish, he was actually dressed at 2am for some reason! But he did get changed again once he had attacked all his presents and recorded his first video with his new tripod! He is determined to be a blogger of some kind! Or is it technically a Vlogger?!?!

I am feeling very proud of myself as I drove to Mums even with all the helpful comments from the co driver in the passenger seat. Mikey and I are threatening to duct tape his mouth if I drive again! I can cope with all the questions and stuff from Mikey, but really do not need the sarcastic comments from my loving husband! I let him drive home as my neck which ahs been painful all day is getting worse. I spent the trip home playing with the screen in my car to connect the bluetooth in the car to my phone! I appeaer to bot have to communication book in my set so I randomly hit bits of the screen until I connected them! Another reason to feel proud of myself I think! But Spotify refused to play whatever I tried - so I guess I need to press a few more bits of screen either in the car or on my phone! There can't be many bits I haven't pressed so far!!

Mikey's request for dinner tonight is KFC, at one point it was McDonalds which, if I'm honest, I would prefer! But you are only 10 once so I guess it is going to be good old, greasy KFC..Right now my head is thudding and my neck is sending shooting pains down my spine. I feel like going to bed as I didn't get to sleep until 5am and woke up at 8. At my age I really need more than 3 hours sleep. I'm also getting a tad peckish as I had a tiny sausage roll and a scone for lunch. I need feeding sooner rather than later!.

Mikey and I 10 years ago, he was a quiet little thing until we got him home; then he decided to exercise his lungs at full volume. My problem is they didn't send a call button for a nurse or midwife home with me! Someone really should invent one to take home with new Mums! And if it could reassure you that a screaming red baby is perfectly normal it would help tremendously!!


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