Lockdown 3, Day 15

 Had my appointment with the Stone Clinic today - thankfully over the phone so no dash into Canterbury! It appears that I do have a smallish stone in my right Kidney...not what I wanted to hear as that is my 'good' kidney after the left one got mullered in 2008 but stones! So fat they are not too bothered about the cysts and want to do another CT scan but with contrast... I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting my reaction when I asked if it was OK to use contrast on me after confirming I'm not allergic to it! 

What I have leaned this morning is that Contrast is fine if your eGFR is above 30...the last result I have seen was 14 so the plan is to get me in, seriously hydrate me and then scan me and top up my hydration. I think I will start to resemble a barrage balloon but it will protect my kidneys whilst still letting them see as much detail as possible. Once the scan has been done and reviewed a decision will be made about what the next stage will be... Hopefully they will get it out before it does any damage and having passed a stone before I really do not want to go through it again!

It really doesn't help that all Urology is dealt with at Kent and Canterbury...not my favourite place after the fiasco in 2008 but surely  I can rely on the 'Lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice' rule and it will be fine! I know I need to explain it all to Mikey, just going in for a few hours is ok, but going in for a whole day is another matter! But it will be wonderful to lose the pains on my right side as nothing stops them. At least last time I didn't even notice them! I must have been weird...

My one success today was managing to wash my hair. It feels better but it really needs to be coloured again and there is no way I can cope with that right now! It is still blonde at the ends, but at the top it is decidedly grey and I need to hide that for my self esteem as that is battered enough at the moment. It was also quite scary how much hair fell out while I was washing it; when I also think about how often I break my nails I'm really missing something. Wonder if I can finally get to see a dietician?


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