Lockdown 3; Day 18

 Since Lockdown 1 Andy and I have been watching Classic Casualty. We were watching one earlier and a Bride had Jumped from a Church Tower as her Fiance had  not been able to go through with the wedding. She then tried emotional blackmail and it just reminded me of my own life. People have used that type of blackmail on both Andy and I over the past 20 years. It terrifies me that she might try it on Mikey, there is no way he can cope or deal with the way she twists the truth to her advantage. It actually reminded me that I am lucky that she has nothing to do with me, I just wish I could remove both Andy and Mikey from her sphere of influence. Permanently.

I'm still having great fun sleeping, I spend most of the night looking at the ceiling whilst listening to Andy snoring. But once he gets up I tend to fall asleep...Although I did get up at 7.30 to let Misty in as she had been out all night - mad cat! She had kindly left a gift on the doorstep for us, but Andy managed to clear it away before I saw it! She emptied Rory's bowl before appearing up stairs to curl up with me! At least she warmed up!

Mikey has been conspicuous by his absence today. He is working on a new game so has been concentrating hard. When asked if eh wanted lunch his response was 'Yes, but I'm not coming Downstairs' The response from Mum was 'You are going to stave then!' He was totally right - he only appeared downstairs in time for dinner! But the large number of penguins which were in the fridge appear to have legged it all on their own...so I have a feeling that he crept down earlier and filled up! 

I am feeling even more washed out now. All I want to do is sleep and I've been considering sticking some wine in the fridge so I can try to knock myself out. I haven't so far, but if I have another night like last night I may try tomorrow, even though the taste, flavour etc just does not appeal to me at all now.


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