Lockdown 3; Day 16

 We are still plodding through Lockdown...Yesterday we had the excitement of watching a new President take over in Washington. This one is slightly older than the last one, but he looks and sounds like a statesman rather then an over excited toddler throwing a tantrum. Even better he isn't orange and doesn't appear to be addicted to tweeting everything!

My GP is still addicted to writing letters...I received on today which was only written 3 days ago! Royal Mail must be ignoring older mail and concentrating on the new stuff! My blood tests appear to show I am still anaemic (No shit Sherlock springs to mind) but he is now suggesting that my anaemia may also include a lack of B12 as my Red Cells are still too big or something! At least I can talk to Dr Klebe tomorrow and hopefully find out what me new eGFR is as - surprise surprise, he doesn't tell me that as I can't possible understand it! His theory will result in more blood test and if he is right I'll need B12 shots on a pretty regular basis. I am really going to have to get used to needles aren't I!

Right now I am best described as feeling drained. I'm working through my Ginger Ale trying to reduce my constant feeling of nausea, the anti-sickness stuff I've been given so far is really not working for me so I'm hoping that my conversation tomorrow will come up with something new that will stop this feeling that I am in a force 9 gale 100% of the day and night. I'm also threatening to glue Andy to the bed as last night all he did was wriggle and the bed was almost as noisy as Storm Christoph. As a result I didn't get much rest and was up very early (for me anyway) I am very close to going back to bed now.


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