Lockdown 3; Day 21

Still feeling decidedly fed up and Pissed off. I managed a sandwich for lunch, but now I'm just crazily thirsty and nothing is stopping that feeling. 

Andy is currently sat behind me with earphones in as he is still working...BUT he is singing along with whatever he is listening to and annoyingly I am totally unable to work out what he is singing and it is driving me up the wall. Is that enough of a defence for GBH?!?! 

I did my usual annoying wake up earlier. Andy had an alarm at 7.30 but I had been awake for a while. Once he was up I snuggled down for a few more minutes; my last memory is thinking I might as well turn the radio on while I snooze...I woke up 2 hours later! My sleep pattern is completely shot and even worse than Mikeys! And that is saying something! But he does still have the energy of youth...I think I still remember that sometime back in the Dark Ages.

There is yet another Downing St Briefing this afternoon. Hopefully not about the lockdown being extended to September as someone mentioned earlier. If I have to have a Birthday this year I DO NOT WANT IT IN LOCKDOWN. Also, I doubt Mikey will want yet another lockdown Birthday and he really doesn't want to miss out on the rest of his time at Primary school...It would be so nice to have a briefing with some totally positive news for a change! But I have a feeling it will be either the news about Europe holding back some vaccines or the fact we have hit 100,000 dead. Neither of which are likely to make me feel better/happier.


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