Lockdown 3; Day 23

 I am totally fed up with feeling so drained and useless. Yesterday I had signed up for a Talk by Lucy Worsley, the Raven Master and a Curator of the Tower of London. I really enjoyed it, all about the myths and tales of the Tower and I now really want to get Mikey there before he grows up too much and won't enjoy a Blood Thirsty Beefeater tour! At the moment |it would really appeal to his History Head and also to him being such a BOY!! Hopefully we will make it this summer...

My memory is really not working at all - I had a major thinking session this morning about exactly what I wanted to write about today. Can I remember a single part of it now? Nope...nothing, a complete blank other than I remember thinking that I really must not forget this. But my Brain obviously wiped everything other than 'DON'T FORGET THIS'. Maybe Andy's idea of wiping my memory and starting again is a good one!

Mikey has a day free of Zoom lessons today - as a result he stayed in bed for the morning and is currently making daft shooting noises in his bedroom. So much for hoping he would get on with his Darwin research. The bits he has written are illegible and this means we are relying on some of it actually being retained in his head... This could well be the worlds shortest biography and he has been researching it for 2 weeks so far. I tell him daily that is has to be sent in to school, but it goes in one ear, avoids the brain and exits the other side without and comprehension. I really don't want to be a nagging Mum as I usually end up losing my voice; But basically he is not worried in the slightest about doing it and until he gets to his next school, he won't have any pressure applied about getting work done. He is going to have one hell of a shock.

Personally I got a wonderful gift today. I entered a competition for a painting by Liam O'Farrell and today I received a print of a different painting as a gift to cheer me up after the last few weeks of Kidney 'Fun' plus a card of his painting of Cromer Pier which I may have to frame as well as I have so many memories of that place from growing up there. They have both really helped today, although Andy did start off grumpy!


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