Lockdown 3; Day 22 Holocaust Memorial Day

Today is a strange day, remembering the millions the Nazis disliked so disposed of... And yesterday the UK passed 100,000 dead thanks to Covid. So much death and a Crematorium has just put it's prices up by 48% . Basically now many people just can't afford to die or people are going to start burying their families in their gardens.

It all feels totally horrific and we really need more than a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe a small nuclear explosion would help just clear everything and a move to a new planet to start again??

Boris has just announced that schools will not open until 8th March. In that period of time he does have a week of half term, but basically it is still weeks and weeks of excuses from Mikey about why he can't actually do any of the work sent home. He was meant to be going on his residential thing at the end of March, that has now - hopefully, been moved to July providing life has normalised enough! I'm not sure if we have actually told him yet...but it may be easier to just leave it for now until we all know more.

I have just been upstairs to remind him he is meant to be working on his biography of Charles Darwin. His response was to shove the few notes he has made into my face. I couldn't focus on them or read a word! Hopefully they make sense to him as he needs to write it on Monday and send the work in... I'm not convinced this news was listened to or absorbed in the slightest! As for using passive writing...God only knows what he is likely to produce. I did offer a suggestion for an opening sentence, but what does Mum know about anything??


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